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Rockin Autism Family

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Sleep and Autism

        I just have to say there are nights and early mornings that my kuerig machine isn't pumping out that cup of coffee strong enough.  Come on kid, I just want seven hours of sleep.  Is that too much to ask for?  I'm walking along like one of those zombies on some random movie.  Why is it he can wake at 3 am and not return to sleep till around 5 am when he has to be up by 6 am?  I guess that doesn't sound too bad to most, but he is six years old and does attend school.  This causes me worry over his health, overall performance at school and my ability to stay sane.  I have to give straight up kudos to his teacher and para.  They get him for eight hours of the day and generally don't complain.  Letting his teacher know thru quick text that he is in rare form and had very little sleep usually gets me a response of, "It's okay, we got this."  Well there teacher, would you care to take him on the weekend?  In the early years my little guy rarely slept and this caused havoc on my mental state.  Give him melatonin they say in research and on doctor's advice.  What they don't say is that this works great for putting him to sleep not so much for keeping him asleep.  I tried all the said advice. You know, the epsom salt baths, the lavender oil on pressure points and of course, the massage before bed.  I am still wishing someone came to my house every night to do that for me.   What can be said as to what did actually work for us was straight up probiotics.  Not the kind that sit in your cabinet but the kind you go to the store and find in the refrigerator and must be stored in yours at home.  We noticed change right away.  Not only in his sleep patterns but in his overall performance.  Using a weighted blanket has been a blessing in disguise. As a toddler he was lucky to get five straight hours of sleep in.  I am sure some of you can relate to how stressful that was for me as a parent.  Give me your stories of sleep depravation and how your family deals with it.  What worked for you and what didn't.  Have a great day!

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