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Rockin Autism Family

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Autism & Tragedy

Our community is dealing with another school shooting which I am sure most of you have seen on news or read about recently.  How any family deals with this I am not sure.  Having a child on the spectrum dealing with this has to be on a whole other level of stress.  Each and every year that passes these shooting become more and more.  I am not here to discuss a gun ban, mental health or the lack of respect our kids now have for themselves or humanity.  I won't even touch on the fact that it may be possible that the disregard for any discipline from the elders has contributed for their total loss of compassion for others.  Nope, I won't even get started on that.  Please do not get angry over my moral ideas on how to teach your child respect for society.  I was raised by a father in the Air Force and my many sisters and I were taught to respect one another and value life.  That is all for another conversation.
        Today we will chat about what we should do if our autistic child is in the cross hairs of one of these extreme tragedies.  I got nothing folks.  That's right, I literally have no idea what we should do as parents.  My Anthony is only six and my thoughts are on what would the school do?  Let us all face the facts folks, if your asd kiddo is like mine, he or she might not exactly respond to commands.  Him being still and quiet when being told is just not going to happen.  He wouldn't even be able to register danger or what a gun is or what it means to be hit by a bullet.  This absolutely terrifies me.  I am sure I am not alone this.  Each year brings me to the thought of home schooling high school years.  School shootings aren't the only reason we as parents fear public schools.  More and more videos have been released of what is transpiring on buses.  Really we can do nothing but trust that some higher power will keep them safe.  With all that is going on in schools these days now is the best time for you to get involved in your kids school policies and find out what exactly is it they do when a incident occurs to this degree.  This will be helpful for you, your child, possibly even the school.  I will leave today with that in mind.  My thoughts and prayers are to all families that have had to endure these occurrences.  Let me know your thoughts Troop...
 Don't forget to click on one of the buttons below and let me know your reaction to this.  Yes really, I am curious as to your feelings of my random thoughts put to use!  Thanks Troop

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